Author: Overemployed Employee

  • Job offer negotiations at a $60,000 per hour rate

    The best money ($/time) you can make is during the job offer negotiations. For example, a few emails, several text messages or 10-15 minutes on a phone call can net you 10K, 20K, 50K or more! 💰💰💰The extra money can come in the form of an added base compensation (annual salary), a signup bonus, equity…

  • W2 vs. 1099 for people working multiple jobs (overemployed)

    The W2 form is a tax form in the USA that companies issue to their full time employees. Full time meaning on average 40 hours per week but there are also exempt and non-exempt employees. Exempt basically means that a company can ask to work 50, 60, 80 or more hours per week without having…

  • What is overemployed

    Overemployed is a term when a person has 2 or more full-time jobs without working extra hours, that is less than 40 hours per week (think software engineer). This is in contrast with overworked—a person who works more than 40 hours per week, e.g., working in Uber and McDonald’s.  Overemployed is possible because modern knowledge-based…

  • How to “attend” two meetings at the same time

    Sooner or later, when you are overemployed (have more than one full-time professional job), you’ll run into meetings conflicts. Generally, there are two types of meetings: 1) active meetings where you need to actively participate (run the meeting, speak, comment, interact with others); and 2) passive meetings where you just need to show up, listen,…

  • How to work multiple full-time hybrid and in-office jobs

    The truth is that most professional/whte-colar jobs are not fully remote. Sure they were during pandemic but the leadership wants return to the office. Maybe it has something to do with leaders wanting more control or oversight (infamous managing by walking around) while masking it under pretext of “culture” and collaboration. 🤦‍♂️But most jobs are…

  • How being overemployed increases job satisfaction

    Many overemployed people (people with multiple full-time W2, typically white-collar jobs) notice a rapid shift in their job satisfaction. That’s because they undergo a change in perspectives (a.k.a. mindset change). Before, workers were focused on delivering results in hopes of chasing promotions, bonuses and/or praise (which is just a false proxy for job security). Now,…

  • Why hiring freeze is great for multiple w2 jobs

    Let’s say you have multiple full-time w2 jobs. 💸One of them is your job 1 which has your main career track, brings the most income and/or has the best boss. Then you have job 2 which is okay. Your priority is job 1 and sometimes tasks at job 2 can get delayed, meetings skipped but…

  • 10 things every overemployed working multiple W2 jobs must know

    In this post, I wanted to share 10 most important things that every overemployed person (person working multiple full-time W2 jobs) must know. This post is based on my experience working multiple jobs for several years as well as some other resources like, overemployed on Reddit, and anonymous forum blind. Let’s cover them one…

  • Filing taxes for multiple W2 jobs from different employers

    If you had more than one employer in the past year, then you should and would receive one W2 form for each of them. This can be the case of having multiple W2 jobs in parallel, that is at the same time (a.k.a. being overemployed) or having jobs consecutively, that is one after another. So…

  • Social security tax while working multiple W2 jobs

    The bad news is that people with multiple W2 jobs in a given year will overpay in social security taxes. They would “lend” money to the government until the tax day April 15 of the following year. In the US, everyone must pay social security tax which is withheld from paychecks automatically. There’s an annual…